1レッスン 3,500円 2レッスン 6500円
@Tap & Music Lab.
Tap Dancer’s Meeting
@Live & Dining JAMUSICA
(北海道札幌市中央区北4条西28丁目1-16 ラ・ワイズビルB1)
Thomas Wadelton (tap) 吉田つぶら(tap) 末富凜太朗(tap) monet(tap) 酒本廣継(tb)小板橋弦太(pf) 柳真也(b)
Grand Swift(オーストラリアのタップダンスのパイオニア)とChristopher Horsey(Tap Dogsの初期メンバー)に大きな影響を受ける。やがてタップダンスに恋に落ちる。
2010年から2013年にかけて「Tapestry Dance Company(北アメリカでは唯一のタップダンスに特化した常勤のカンパニー)」の主要メンバーとして活動する。
“Tap dancer’s Meeting”
July 10th Monday 7pm open 7.30pm start
Thomas Wadelton (tap) Tsubura Lala Yoshida(tap) Rintaro Suetomi (tap) Monet(tap) Hirotsugu Sakemoto(tb) Genta Koitabashi(pf) Masaya Yanagi (b)
3,500yen (adv) 4,000yen(door)
Thomas is a tap dancer, singer, musician & teacher.
Widely travelled, he has performed for audiences around the world in North America, much of Europe, Canada, Japan, China, Singapore, Thailand and Russia.
Events and venues include Shanghai Int. Arts Festival, Herräng Dance Camp Sweden, Festival Danse de Encore Trois-Rivières, Lucas Tadeo's Tap Residency Madrid, Iðnó - The oldest theatre in Iceland, A five week performing tour of China, Festival de Claquettes de Montréal, Performing tour of Switzerland,
The Falls Music and Arts Festival VIC, The Apollo Bay Music Festival, Woodford Folk Festival, Hamer Hall's Morning Melodies.
Since 4 years of age Thomas has been on stage. His early years were greatly influenced by teachers Grant Swift (Australian Tap Wizard and Pioneer) and Christopher Horsey (Tap Dogs founding member). Before long, he had fallen in love with tap dance.
From 2010 to 2013 Thomas was a principal dancer with Tapestry Dance Company. Based in Austin, Texas it was then the only full time professional dance company in North America specialising in tap dance. He owes much to Artistic director Acia Gray and the dancers with whom he shared those 3 years.
Until 2019 he was living mostly out of a suitcase, based briefly in Barcelona, Rome, and Reykjavik Iceland whilst travelling to work in festivals and various projects.
He is currently in Melbourne studying a Bachelor of Fine Arts at Monash University.